
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Heat Wave Smashing Records

A friend texted me yesterday that in Nashville it was the hottest day EVER recorded...not just for the one day record, but EVER.
Today we have this headline...and the excessive heat is now leading to deaths.

--Columbus, GA set an all time record of 106, breaking the previous all-time record of 105 which was set on Friday. The daily record high was 100 set in 1959.

--Macon, GA tied the all-time record high of 108, which was last set in 1980. The record high for the day was 103 set in 1959.

--Knoxville, TN set an all-time record high of 105, breaking the previous all-time record high of 104 set on July 12th, 1930. The previous record high for the day was 100, set in 1952.

--Tri-cities, TN set an all-time record high of 103 degrees, breaking the previous all-time record of 102 set on June 29, 2012 and July 29, 1952. The previous daily record high was only 95, set in 1959.

--Chattanooga, TN set an all-time record high of 107 degrees, breaking the previous all-time record of 106 set on June 29, 2012 and July 28, 1952. The previous daily record was 103 degrees set in 1952.

--Charlotte, NC tied an all-time record high of 104 degrees, last set on August 10, 2007. The record high for the day was 102 set in 1959.

--Atlanta, GA set an all-time record of 106 degrees, breaking the previous all-time record of 105 set in 1980. The previous daily record was 98 degrees set in 1936, broken by a whopping 8 degrees!

--Columbia, SC tied the all-time record high of 109 which was set on Friday. The record for the day was 103, set in 1959.

--Raleigh, NC tied the all-time record high temperature of 105 which was last set on Friday and set before that on July 23, 1952. The record for the day was 102 set in 1959.

Meteorologist DJ Hoffman pointed out that as of Thursday, June 28, 2012, more than 20,900 record highs have been broken to date this year.

"We have had over 7,700 more record highs this year, compared to last year, despite 2011's South Central states heat and drought," Hoffman said.


Wow...please say a quick prayer for my kid who is at Army boot-camp in South Carolina.  Sounds awful.

Did you notice that 20,900 record highs have been brokon in 2012 already?  I wonder if God is trying to get our attention?

The reports are also saying that there are millions without power all over the Eastern United States.  The hot temps have spawned storms which have knocked out power to MILLIONS.

Let's cell phone, your computer, your air conditioner, your microwave, our entire lives rely on electricity to allow us to do what we do.  Imagine if a solar storm knocked it out for months?  Anarchy and chaos would be the result and the United States could disappear in a pretty big hurry.

When will we realize that all we have is a blessing from God and turn to Him in worship?  I hope it's soon...but I'm not holding my breath.  It seems the more signs God sends to remind us we are in control of nothing....the more rebellious the people of planet earth become.

I'll say it again...I wonder if judgment of the U.S. has started?


  1. I have said a prayer and will continue to keep your kid in my prayers!

    Yes, I believe the country is now under God's judgement, and this is nothing compared to what's to come. Interesting that the heatwave and storms occurred shortly after Obama's proclamation on gay marriage?

  2. Yes Christopher, it IS interesting that lots of mayhem, including fires and record heat, began shortly after Obama embraced the spirit of gay perversion...and welcomed it into the White House. How long can a nation stick their finger in God's eye before He says, ENOUGH! If we aren't there already...we have to be close. Thanks for praying for my kid...his name is Luke.
