
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Age of the Dumb Church

We know the sad statistics about people who call themselves 'Christians'.  Most of them have never read their Bibles...most of them can't name the first 5 books of the Bible, most of them can't even give an explanation for their claimed belief in Christ, and now most of their kids are walking away from the faith when they leave the home.  They will never be in the battle that Christ called us to engage in.

Why does this keep happening?

In short, it happens because much of the Church today is dumb. Don’t misunderstand me, I mean no disrespect when I use the term ‘dumb’. What I mean is that the Church is dumb in that they aren’t well educated in what they believe, fail miserably in fulfilling 1 Peter 3:15 that says all Christians should be prepared to give a reason for why they believe, and are woefully unable to handle any challenge to Christianity that comes from unbelievers or the cults.

Dr. R. C. Sproul has said many times that he believes we are living in the most un-intellectual period in the history of Western civilization. Over 30 years ago, former Lebanese ambassador to the United States, Charles Malik, said the following in his speech at the dedication of the Billy Graham Center in Wheaton, Illinois: “I must be frank with you: the greatest danger confronting American evangelical Christianity is the danger of anti-intellectualism. The mind in its greatest and deepest reaches is not cared for enough.”

How can you tell if your church exhibits traits that characterize a dumb church? Although not exhaustive, I offer these criteria that I believe help contribute to a church becoming ‘dumb’:

  • Preaching is always topical and never expository. Selective topical series allow tough and deep theological subjects, as well as ‘controversial’ passages of Scripture, to be avoided with ease.
  • Although the church leaders offer strong external facing statements as to how they are a “Bible believing church”, the Bible is actually used and referenced very little in the sermons. Few quotations from Scripture are heard in a message, with the vast majority of all sermons consisting of personal rhetoric, humor, videos, and personal stories.
  • Biblical terms such as justification, reconciliation, sanctification, propitiation, etc., are avoided like the plague.
  • There is little to no instruction for new (or existing) believers on the core doctrines of the Christian faith, and no requirement for new believers to attend such instruction.
  • There is no continuous offering of apologetic training classes that are designed to train Christians in the evidences and defense of the faith, and little to no interest of the pastors in the subject area.
  • There is no easy way for the congregation to have tough questions answered by the lead pastors; such a thing is quietly ignored, discouraged or not practiced regularly.
  • Deep Bible study programs are either absent or deliberately pushed out in favor of more ‘relevant’ classes that deal with softer subject matters (e.g. money management).
  • Adult and children’s Bible studies before/after the main church service are either omitted or are second class citizens to “Community Groups” that seek to have members meet in each other’s homes during the week, where no oversight is given as to what is done or taught. These groups, where teaching is concerned, are run “hands off” where the church leadership is concerned.
  • There is a huge emphasis on relationship building and serving in areas of the church, but no similar importance placed on growing more Biblically and theologically literate.
  • The youth department has an unmistakable concentration on entertainment, games, social interaction, etc., vs. actual teaching of Christian doctrines.
  • The church either has no library or one that is not kept up to date.
  • There is either no staff member assigned specifically to church education, or it is assigned to an already overburdened associate pastor.
  • Doctrinal statements of the church are missing or are not prominently made available. If they exist, they do not address any controversial theological topics or make very vague statements concerning them.
  • Here;

    Do you attend a dumb church?  If you do, I would strongly recommend you leave it and find a fellowship of believers who you can work with.  As the persecution grows against folks who read, understand and believe their Bibles, it is going to be more important that you have an army to stand with.

    If you knew you were going into a war (newsflash...we are already in one and have been since we were born onto this Satanic planet) would you rather have 100 Navy Seals by your side or 1000 people who have never even held a gun and have no battle experience?

    Think about it...then get in the war!  If you haven't been shot at probably means you are so far back from the front lines that Satan could care less about what you are doing...because you are not a threat to him.

    1 comment:

    1. The Word of God is living and active, sharper than a two edged sword! Great article. Thanks for challenging everyone to consider how we're really living!!! May multitudes read and heed this crucial message of warning. No doubt inspired by Gods Spirit!
