
Monday, July 2, 2012

Archeologists Find 2nd Mayan Reference

Dang it!  We were just getting all excited the news reporting that the Mayan's never said December 21 was the last day of earth...and today we find reports that say a 2nd source of Mayan calendar was found and December 21 is the day when the god, Bolon Yokte is going to return.

So come on you Mayans....what's it gonna be??  Is Bolon Yokte a cool dude?  Isn't he the so called, "feathered serpent god' that you talk about in other tablets?  If he is the war god...couldn't that be a bad thing for those of us who have never heard of him?  I'm so confused.....

The Mayan predictions for December 2012 were about the return of the god Bolon Yokte and not about the end of the world, experts say.

The Dec. 21, 2012, date found on Mayan glyphs led to speculation about Maya prophecies of the end of the world, prompting archaeologists and epigraphists to deny them.

In the Mayan cosmology, a cycle of creation was completed at the end of each era and then another began.

Bolon Yokote is a god associated with creation and war that participated in the start of the current era, which began on Aug. 13, 3114 B.C.

The idea that the pre-Hispanic civilization predicted the end of the world in 2012 has been popular in some New Age circles since the 1970s.

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Hmmmm....this one has me thinking....if you were a Mayan sitting in your hut in Guatemala 1000 years ago and....some strange ship that looked like floating feathers came down from the sky....and a dude got out and told you his name was Bolon Yokote and then gave you a calendar and said he will be back on December 21, 2012 when all the stars are in just such a place......wouldn't we call that an "alien" today? 

Could it be that this "alien" giving special information to the Mayan's 1000 years ago...actually be a demon sent by Satan to decieve?

"Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a hungry lion looking for whom he may devour."

Just imagine how many folks will fall into the trap if Bolon Yokote DOES RETURN and claims to be some type of savior for mankind.

Remember, Jesus clearly said that there will be many false messiahs in the last days...all claiming to be saviors.  I'm guessing Bolon Yokote may be just one of many.....

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