
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Colorado; " Like Looking at the Worst Movie Set"

Over 30,000 people have been evacuated because of the fires raging in Colorado.  Entire neighborhoods are going up in huge flames.  100 degree temps and 65 mph winds are making the area look like a scene from Armageddon.

More than 32,000 residents have fled their homes in terror as a wildfire rages in the American state of Colorado.

The forest flames spread into the state’s second biggest city Colorado Springs, destroying whole neighbourhoods on the hilly outskirts.

Ravaging 10 square miles, the Waldo Canyon fire is the latest blaze to erupt amid record temperatures throughout the American West.

Police said there were no reports of injuries but wildfires elsewhere have killed one person and destroyed 257 homes.

Traffic and smoke choked the streets as people hurried to evacuate parts of Colorado Springs and the nearby US Air Force Academy.

State governor John Hickenlooper said after flying over the fire: “It was like looking at the worst movie set you could imagine.

“This is the worst fire season in the history of Colorado.”

As winds of up to 65mph sent the flames surging towards Colorado Springs, the blaze quickly became the top national emergency and more than 800 firefighters were tackling it.


As epic fires, epic floods, epci financial problems, epic zombie behavior, strange quakes and groanings and extreme sexual perversion are all happening at the same time in makes one wonder, is this nation getting judged?  Are we witnessing what happens when God simply gives a nation over to the god's we have insisted on worshipping?

Lord, please forgive us, for we know not what we do.

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