
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

British Forces in Syria?

President Assad has now openly said that Syria is at war.  This will be now be an open fight to the death between Assad and his loyal generals vs. the rebels...whoever the rebels are made up of.

Turkey is reportedly moving tanks to the border of Syria as a result of Syria shooting down a Turkish fighter jet.  On top of that President Erdogen of Turkey has said that he will help the Syrian rebels free themselves from a nasty dictator...meaning Assad.

These events certainly have all the makings of a full blown war....and the destruction of Damascus is still on the horizon as told in Isaiah 17.

According to a Russian news source, British commando troops have been seen in Syria...possibly trying to carve out a safe haven for the rebels.  If this is true, this thing could get REALLY interesting in a REALLY short amount of time.

She added that the shelling also appears to be coming from one of the presidential compounds of Bashar al-Assad, which contains the house where his father used to stay, though Bashar himself does not stay there. The area is usually known for its very high security.

Many ambulances have been reported to be rushing injured people to hospital.

The intensified clashes may indicate that a coordinated offensive may be taking place in Syria, reports Israel's Debkafile website. The attacks are apparently targeting the presidential palace and the compound of the presidential guard, the site reports.

The site says there are unconfirmed reports that British commando forces crossed from Turkey into Syria on Tuesday, according to Gulf military sources. The force may be involved in securing a safe heaven for rebel forces along the border.

There were similar reports in February about the alleged presence of British troops operating in Syria. At the time the British government denied carrying out a clandestine operation in the country.


While the article and news is interesting, please notice what someone wrote as a comment after reading the article;  "Long live Assad. We support Assad against Western-Zionist Imperialism. Its World War to the finish. The Prophecy is coming true."

So what is The Islamic Prophecy that involves world war to the finish?  Why would a guy named Farook, who is obviously Islamic, believe that the End of Days is upon us...and that a clash between Muslims and Western-Zionist imperialists must happen?

Here is an easy answer...because he believes the 12th Imam is soon coming to usher in the 13th Caliphate.  Farook obviously believes that Islam will rule the world and that chaos needs to happen on a global basis before the Imam appears.

The spiritual battle is at hand folks.  Keep looking up and keep listening for the trumpet. 

Jesus, please save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. Amen.

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