
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Face Eating Man WAS NOT on Bath Salts

About a month ago there was an outbreak of zombie-like behavior.  The most talked about case was that of a FL man who striped naked, went up to a homeless man and stripped him naked and then proceeded to eat the homeless man's face off.

When the police showed up, the zombie growled at police officers while having a piece of human flesh hanging from his mouth.  The police officers had to shoot him multiple times before he died.

Classic zombie movie stuff!

Anyway, the media was POSITIVE this behavior HAD TO BE the result of a strange, hallucinogenic drug that is being legally sold as "bath salts"....well it turns out that he wasn't on any drugs except a little now the media is simply amazed at what could possibly cause a man to eat another man?

Interesting tidbits to ponder about this case;  the zombie's girlfriend believes his behavior was caused by a Haitian voodoo curse, he was reportedly in a Bible study, and he was reportedly reading the Koran and had told friends he wanted to quit smoking pot.

It wasn't bath salts.

According to a full toxicology report released Wednesday afternoon by the Miami-Dade medical examiner, the only drug detected in the lifeless body of infamous Miami face-chewer Rudy Eugene was marijuana.

"The department's toxicology laboratory has identified the active components of marijuana," the medical examiner said in a statement, according to NBC Miami. "The laboratory has tested for but not detected any other street drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs...This includes cocaine, LSD, amphetamines (Extasy, Meth and others), phencyclidine (PCP or Angel Dust), heroin, oxycodone, Xanax, synthetic marijuana (Spice), and many other similar compounds."

Eugene, 31, was widely speculated to have been on some form of synthetic drugs or suffering a drug-induced psychosis the afternoon of May 26 when he stripped naked and brutally attacked homeless resident Ronald Poppo in broad daylight along Miami's busy MacArthur Causeway, chewing and ripping off roughly half of the older man's face.

A police officer responding to multiple 911 calls shot and killed Eugene as he crouched over Poppo, reportedly refusing to stop the gruesome assault by growling at the officer with Poppo's flesh in his mouth.

Records show Eugene had been arrested 8 times since the age of 16, including 4 instances involving marijuana. But though he was once accused of threatening to kill his mother, friends and family members alike say they never expected such violence from Eugene, who was participating in a Bible study, reading the Koran, and telling friends he wanted to stop smoking marijuana.


I can almost say with 100% certainty that something Satanic was going on in this dudes life...and of course since the media can't possibly believe in Satan, they will continue to scratch their heads and attempt to come up with scientific reasons for why a man would eat another man alive.

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the Last Days. People will be....without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good...."  2 Timothy

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