
Monday, June 4, 2012

Destruction of Damascus Looms

As the President of Syria comes under mounting international pressure, his words of warnings to any any outside power that would interfere in his killing spree are growing more belligerent and more rebellious.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed to the UN envoy to Damascus Kofi Annan that "he isn't ready to offer new concessions to the international community."
He further confirmed that "the World states must acknowledge that they have no ability to confront Syria, because the international community is fully aware of what Damascus could do just a few hours after the first bullet is shelled on the Syrian capital."
The sources pointed out that President al-Assad cut more than once Annan's statements during the meeting, and he asked the Syrian personalities who attended the meeting to give Annan a pen and a paper so that the UN envoy would write al-Assad's messages to the international community.

"Syria is ready to face all the military options, and Damascus will shake the world as no conspirator political system will survive from the Middle East's earthquake," the Syrian President warned.

He further asked Annan to advise the Qatari and Saudi leaders not to tamper politically and via media with Syria.


Remember that Damascus is home to every Jew-hating-Islamic-terrorist organization in the entire world.  They all have offices in Damascus so they can coordinate their plans to destroy Israel and kill the Jews.

Assad warns the world that he will ignite a firestorm in the Middle East a few minutes after the first foreign fired bullet falls into Syria.  What he doesn't realize is the the total destruction of Damascus is still on the horizon...and I'm guessing that as Assad prepares to launch his missiles into Israel in his attempt to "shake the world"....that destruction will come on him suddenly.

Maybe from an Israeli missile launched from a German-made submarine?

Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines


"In the evening, sudden terror!  Before the morning, they (Damascus) are gone!"  Isaiah 17:14

Hat tip to Tom F.

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