
Monday, June 4, 2012

Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons

This is pretty amazing and I already gave a link to the article on the previous posting about Damascus...but...this article deserves some of its own attention.

Remember that Germany almost single handed destroyed the Jewish race about 70 years ago.  Now it is being reported that Israel is being helped by Germany to deploy nuclear tipped cruise missiles on German made submarines!!

Germany is helping Israel to develop its military nuclear capabilities, SPIEGEL has learned. According to extensive research carried out by the magazine, Israel is equipping submarines that were built in the northern German city of Kiel and largely paid for by the German government with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. The missiles can be launched using a previously secret hydraulic ejection system. Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak told SPIEGEL that Germans should be "proud" that they have secured the existence of the state of Israel "for many years."

In the past, the German government has always stuck to the position that it is unaware of nuclear weapons being deployed on the vessels. Now, however, former high-ranking officials from the German Defense Ministry, including former State Secretary Lothar Rühl and former chief of the planning staff Hans Rühle, have told SPIEGEL that they had always assumed that Israel would deploy nuclear weapons on the submarines. Rühl had even discussed the issue with the military in Tel Aviv.

Israel has a policy of not commenting officially on its nuclear weapons program. Documents from the archives of the German Foreign Ministry make it clear, however, that the German government has known about the program since 1961. The last discussion for which there is evidence took place in 1977, when then-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt spoke to then-Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan about the issue.

The submarines are built by the German shipyard HDW in Kiel. Three submarines have already been delivered to Israel, and three more will be delivered by 2017. In addition, Israel is considering ordering its seventh, eighth and ninth submarines from Germany.


The story of Samson is about a Jew who was captured by Israel's ancient enemy, the Philistines.  He had his eyes put out and was forced to dance to entertain his captors.  Samson prayed to God for one final burst of strength, which God gave him.  Samson pushed on the pillars that he was chained to and collapsed the entire theatre...killing 3000 Philistines but also knowing it would cause his own death.

The nation of Israel ALSO has a "Samson Option".  If they ever get to the point where they feel that their Arab/Islamic enemies are getting set to overrun the nation of Israel...they will launch the nuclear tipped cruise missiles from subs hidden all over the world and single handed make sure that the people who are destroying Israel will also be destroyed.

It's ironic that the Germans who nearly destroyed them using Hitler's Third Reich, are now making it possible for Israel to destroy its enemies.

I have an idea that all the Watchers in the heavens who are watching this grand drama play out between God and the forces of Satan, look at this irony and say, "Holy, Holy, Holy!  Our God is an awesome God!"

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