
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jesus Loves Porn Stars

The Bible tells us that in the Last Days men will surround themselves with teachers who tell them what their itchy ears want to hear.  So what is it that we all want to hear today?

We want to be told that Jesus loves us JUST AS WE ARE.  We want to be told that WE DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE.  We want to be told that HELL DOESN'T EXIST.  And most importantly, we want to be told that REPENTANCE ISN'T NECESSARY to follow Christ.

So should it surprise us that one of the most famous porn stars in the world, Ron Jeremy, is speaking at a church in Southern California....and it appears it is not a message of how Jesus pulled him away from porn, but that Jesus loves porn stars right where they change is necessary.

On Sunday, June 10, adult film star Ron Jeremy returns to the Rock Church in San Diego, California for an interview with Pastor Miles McPherson on how Jesus loves porn stars. Jeremy and XXXchurch pastor Craig Gross will be featured as part of the Rock Church's "EXPOSED" message series challenging attendees to copy Jesus' model of unconditional love of the most broken and flawed—the famous and the infamous.

In 2010, Jeremy and XXXchurch pastor Craig Gross squared off at the Rock Church in a controversial debate on whether the pornography industry is beneficial or detrimental to our society and culture.


Ummmm.....let me think about that for a the porn industry beneficial or detrimental to our society?.......ummmmmm......let's it good or bad that the average age for first exposure to porn is now 8 years old.....ummmmmmm......??

Holy man....we are a stupid bunch of people.

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