
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Earth May be Near Tipping Point

If you didn't know this already, the Los Angeles Times is hear to tell you.

Earth may be near tipping point, scientists warn

A group of scientists warns that population growth, climate change and environmental damage are pushing Earth toward calamitous and irreversible changes.

A group of international scientists is sounding a global alarm, warning that population growth, climate change and environmental destruction are pushing Earth toward calamitous — and irreversible — biological changes.

"Humans are now forcing another such transition, with the potential to transform Earth rapidly and irreversibly into a state unknown in human experience," wrote the authors, who are from the U.S., Europe, Canada and South America.

"We have created a bubble of human population and economy … that is totally unsustainable and is either going to have to deflate gradually or is going to burst," said co-author James Brown, a distinguished professor of biology at the University of New Mexico. "If it's going to burst, the consequences are really going to be grim for people as well as biodiversity and the rest of the planet."

Forty years ago, the Club of Rome think tank caused a stir when it argued that there were limits to world growth. In 1968, Paul Ehrlich, now a professor of population studies at Stanford University, warned of the dangers of overpopulation in his book "The Population Bomb."

"This is what scientists saw in the '60s and '70s," said Mikael Fortelius, a professor of evolutionary paleontology at the University of Helsinki in Finland and one of the paper's authors. "We've never been quite sure when it would happen. We're there now."


Yes, something is going on...and it seems to be caused by too many people.  I wonder if that's one reason that the people left behind may be really happy to see millions of folks leave planet earth when the rapture of the church happens?  Remember, there is a group of people who worship Mother Earth who believe that she is getting ready to "purge" millions of this is simply one other possible explanation that Satan has been working on to explain away the rapture...and to deceive those who have been left behind.

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