
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tear Up Your Paper Money

If you are in any way interested in what is going on in Europe and the possible meltdown of the Euro currency...then this is a great article that is pretty easy reading written by Jim Jubak of MSN Money.

Of course, he cuts right to the chase in explaining that all paper currency is simply based on trust, and if the people lose trust in the government that is printing the paper, they will flee the currency....and you may as well tear up your paper money. 

Modern currency is nothing without trust that governments that use it will back it. And if the once-strong euro can break, what is safe?

So what is it about money that the leaders of the eurozone don't get?

Money has been around for a while, and it's not terribly complicated.

The key element is trust. That was true when money was a piece of metal that you could bite or bounce. Now that money is just a piece of paper, it's even truer. Today's money is nothing but trust.

And it's as if the leaders of the eurozone wanted to go out of their way to prove it. They've taken us up to the velvet curtain and then themselves, with a self-satisfied smile, pulled it aside to show us that there is no Great Oz.

And in the process they've done major, and perhaps irretrievable, damage to their own currency and to the very idea of money in our time. If you can't trust the euro, what paper can you trust?

And if the euro can dissolve, if the eurozone can go back to Deutschmarks and drachmas, then why should we have faith in any paper currency? The breakup of the euro won't mean the breakup of the dollar or the yen or the real, but it sure would accelerate the search for a more secure depository of value than paper money. Even one that proclaims "In God we trust."


So here we have a writer right in the middle of mainstream media clearly claiming that this whole "thing" called a financial system is clearly based on trust...and he is looking around the world asking who is it that we can trust to hold all of our hard work and savings represented in a piece of paper.

Of course by asking this question, he opens the door to reveal why the world will soon be looking for another currency....because it appears even he believes that the currencies currently in use around the world are tenuous.

Can you see where the Antichrist is going to come in and make a new one-world-currency?  Can you see why people will be so willing to take the mark that will be required to use this currency?

It all seems to be falling into place.

Hat tip to Jared F.

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