
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Genetic Tests for Unborn Babies

The headlines today is that scientists are working on, and may have already discovered, a genetic test for 18 week old fetuses that could reveal 3500 different genetic "faults"....and it may be as easy as a saliva test for mom and dad! 

Can imagine if you give a 22 year old pregnant woman access to these test results and she has to go home and page through thousands of potential "problems" with her baby and then decide whether to kill it while it's still young enough.  (sorry, I mean "abort it")

A team has been able to predict the whole genetic code of a foetus by taking a blood sample from a woman who was 18 weeks pregnant, and a swab of saliva from the father.

They believe that, in time, the test will become widely available, enabling doctors to screen unborn babies for some 3,500 genetic disorders.
At the moment the only genetic disorder routinely tested for on the NHS is Down’s syndrome.

By contrast, the scientists say their new test would identify far more conditions, caused by genetic errors.

However, they warned it raised “many ethical questions” because the results could be used as a basis for abortion.

Such natural mutations - called ‘de novo’ mutations - are responsible for the majority of genetic defects.

By checking their prediction of the baby’s genetic code with actual DNA taken after the birth, the team from the University of Washington in Seattle, found they were able to identify 39 of 44 such mutations in the child.

De novo mutations are thought to play a role in a number of complex conditions such as autism and schizophrenia.

The team also tested their approach on a woman who was earlier in her pregnancy than 18 weeks, and found it still worked.


Now imagine this....what if the test can ultimately isolate a "gay gene"...which is an "abnormality?"  What if the gay community were to find out that 99.9% of the average 22 year old pregnant women would CHOOSE TO ABORT their fetus if they found it was going to be gay?

Technically, you could eliminate gayness in a few generations since gay men and women can't reproduce.

Now here would be the major irony of this whole scenario:  Of course the gay community is overwhelmingly PRO CHOICE.  But if they found women were testing for (and killing) gay fetuses....they would immediately have to become PRO LIFE...and all the homosexuals would all of a sudden be sharing the platform with Christian evangelicals and Neo-Con conservatives!!!

That would be a hoot.

Seriously, mankind is so lost.  If this test gets approved and perfected, soon women will be aborting kids who MIGHT have ADD!  (Attention Deficit Disorder) 

"Miss, we have some terrible news for you about your fetus.  There is a very good chance that he won't sit still in public school and he may be a menace on the playground and he may have to take drugs his entire life simply to focus on reading.  Do you think you can handle a child like that?  Do you think it's fair to society to bring another one of those kids into the world?"

Half the kids in public schools today are on meds for ADD...can you imagine if we had aborted all of them?

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