
Thursday, June 7, 2012

President Invokes Jesus' Name

Sorry...if you thought this was going to be a post about President Obama asking for Jesus' blessing on this nation and encouraging people to read their's not.  I'm pretty sure those statements don't exist.

Instead, it is a video tribute to President Reagan and the many things he said while in office that encouraged us to pray to Jesus and read our Bibles. 

Watch 4 minute video here;

Now lets look back at America's history and imagine if the nation WOULD HAVE LISTENED to President Reagan?  Maybe we wouldn't be in this place where our current President is advocating gay marriage...maybe we wouldn't have become the society that went so far into debt that now we are facing collapse.  Maybe we wouldn't have been a society that is addicted to porn, heinous drugs and painkillers?  Maybe we would have turned the tide on abortion and made it so that women understand that Jesus knew us before he placed us in our mother's womb?

And finally, remember it was President Reagan who commissioned the bi-partisan committee on the solvency of Social Security.  They looked into the numbers over 26 years ago, and they told us that the program needs drastic reforms or it will implode....if only we would have different our nation may be today.

Hat tip to Wilson R.

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