
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First Time in 150 Years

The evers and nevers just continue to come on almost a daily basis.  They were expecting the hottest day ever in Colorado today as they battle the biggest wildfires the state has ever seen.

Have you heard about the massive storm heading for Florida?  Remember folks, a massive storm to Florida could literally bankrupt the state because the state legislature came up with the stupid idea to create their own insurance company....and just like any government program...they have NO MONEY IN RESERVE to pay the claims.

So now this caught my eye today;

June 26, 2012EARTH - An unusually early spate of tropical storms has been keeping forecasters busy this year, and now Tropical Storm Debby, the fourth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, has set a record – this season marks the first time in more than 150 years that so many storms have showed up so early. “This is first time we’ve had four tropical storms develop in the Atlantic basin before July 1,” said Dennis Feltgen, a meteorologist and spokesman for the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla. U.S. records for tropical storms and hurricanes stretch back to 1851, Feltgen told OurAmazingPlanet. And although Tropical Storm Debby has broken the century-and-a-half-long record, there is certainly a chance that four storms may have formed this early in the past, yet escaped notice simply because forecasters didn’t have the tools to see them. “We figure that back in the day there could have been several storms per season that could have been missed,” Feltgen said. “We didn’t have satellites.” Forecasters relied largely on ship reports and on firsthand observations when a storm hit land.


I heard on the news this morning that Debby could drop as much as 20 inches of rain.  That could sure do some serious damage to homes.  The state says that if they ever have to settle massive homeowner claims due to storm damage that they will simply sell bonds to pay for it....hmmmm.....who do you think is going to buy the bonds from a state that is on the brink of bankruptcy?

The folly of man is simply never ending.

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