
Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama's Religion

Much discussion has gone into wondering if Obama is a Muslim or a Christian.  But even if he calls himself a Christian...what does that really mean anymore?

The excerpt below is from author Michael Youssef.

So much has been made of whether Mr. Obama is a Muslim or not. This question persists in spite of the fact that he repeatedly claims to be “Christian.”

This particular conclusion on the part of many has been drawn from his extraordinary sympathies to Islamists and apparent bias that has tipped the scales toward the Muslim world and against Israel. This is something new among U.S. Presidents.

Many point to the fact that he has flown over or near Israel on numerous occasions while on official visits to Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc., but never stopped in Israel.

What most people have failed to recognize is that Obama’s religion is the same religion of a vast growing number of contemporary church-going Americans.

I am one of those people who believe firmly that the very core of America’s greatness and uniqueness is due to the fact that the founding fathers built this country’s foundation solely on the rock of the Christian Scriptures. Anyone who denies this is denying the very nose on their face.

With that in mind, today we find ourselves as a culture being unhinged from that foundation and floating down the river of a new form of polytheism. Today’s modern polytheism is different only in kind from that of Rome in 1st century Christianity.

This is partly because we have a significant part of the population holding tight to that core foundation, they are tiresomely trying to keep the social structure from drifting down the stream of polytheism altogether.

Obama did not invent America’s modern drift to this unique mode of polytheism, he merely articulated it, legitimized it, and gave it his very bully pulpit, but it did not originate with him.

That drift originated in many liberal churches and seminaries and has been followed now by many evangelical mega church preachers.

What is that uniquely American polytheistic drift?

It is the claim by many of those preachers that Jesus is their Savior, but He is not the one and only Savior.

Remember that this was the very dilemma for 1st century Christians. Had they been clever enough, like their 21st century contemporaries, to compromise their faith that way...they would not have been thrown to hungry lions, or boiled in barrels of oil, or dipped in tar to light up Nero’s garden.


Isn't that amazing?  "Christians" have fallen so far in their beliefs that they now believe that Jesus is not the one and only savior.  So if they deny Christ...can they still be Christians? 

Did he say, "I am a way and one version of truth and for some people a pretty good light.  There are lots of ways to the Father and I am one of the ways that works...if you are so led."??

No...Jesus said that accepting him as savior was the ONLY way we were going to see the Father.

Of course Satan loves to see pastors preaching liberal theology...because if you can get a congregation to believe that Jesus is just ONE possible way to everlasting life...then there is no need for evangelism...and if a church isn't doing evangelism and snatching souls from the fire...then Satan is pleased because that church is no threat to him at all.

And even better for Satan are the churches who preach that Satan doesn't exist.  If there is no adversary...then there is no reason to put on helmets, breastplates and learn to use swords.

Yep, I agree with Mr Youssef...this nation was built on the foundation of CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES...and as we pull those foundations away we are just one minor earthquake away from a total collapse.

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