
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Egypt's Leader Says They Will Take Jerusalem

Holy Jerusalem!  Have you ever seen a time when Jerusalem was in the news every single day?  The City of God seems to be in the cross hairs of Satan...he wants it and he is inciting his Satanic hordes to try and take it.

So get this...Egypt just elected a Muslim Brotherhood member to be their first elected president and he has said they are going to 'conquer Jerusalem'.  So much for the Muslims electing peaceful leaders....

Israel must brace itself for a deeply problematic period in its relations with Egypt, a former Israeli ambassador to Egypt said Sunday afternoon, responding grimly to the election of Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi as Egypt’s president.

While Israel’s political leadership issued no immediate response to the election result, and the Foreign Ministry also had no immediate comment, ex-envoy Zvi Mazel was unequivocal in expressing his concerns.

Incoming president Morsi seeks the destruction of Israel, charged Mazel, who was Israel’s ambassador to Cairo in the late 1990s. “He has said he wants to conquer Jerusalem.”

Mazel said that the US had placed Egypt’s military leadership in a very difficult position in recent weeks, and had seemed more interested in having the Brotherhood come to power than in heeding the concerns of the interim military leadership.

The Egyptian military’s move last week to deprive the presidency of some of its powers, notably the right to go to war, was a signal to the US and Israel of its fears about where Egypt might be heading — a signal, said Mazel, “that the US and Israel failed to read.”

But just remember people...President Bush insisted that Islam is a religion of peace even while the Twin Towers were smoldering.  And now President Obama has also promised that the "great religion" of Islam really is a peaceful of course the first chance that the Egyptians get at electing peaceful leaders....they go and elect a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who promises to destroy Israel and usher in Sharia law to all of Egypt.

Keep hold of your hats and your eyes on the Bible...because this whole thing looks like it may soon come apart. 

Also make sure you have plenty of oil in your lamps.  You don't want to be running to the store to get some when the bridegroom calls.

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