
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Iran Warns of Israel's Destruction...AGAIN!

Playground fights usually start with taunting...which leads to pushing...which leads to fighting.  Iran is saying that Israel lacks the courage to attack Iran.  That sounds a bit like taunting...

Tehran, June 23 (Xinhua-ANI): A deputy chief of staff of Iranian Armed Forces warned Israel against any military aggression on the Islamic republic, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

Israel lacks the courage and ability to harm Iran and in case it launches any attack on Iran, it will lead to an immediate end of Israel's existence, Major General Mostafa Izadi told Fars on Saturday.

The recent nuclear talks held in Moscow between Iran and the P5 1 - the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany - ended last Tuesday without a deal.

Iran is under numerous Western pressures to halt its controversial nuclear program which the Islamic republic insists on its "peaceful" and "civilian" nature.

"The Islamic Revolution enjoys high capability, and if the Zionist regime wants to take an action against us, it will cause its imminent end," Izadi was quoted as saying.

In addition to military capabilities, the Islamic republic enjoys many other privileges which outrun the abilities and capabilities of Israel, said the commander.


Hey!...that's twice in one short article that they talk of the end of Israel's existence.

If I was a betting man, I would bet lots of money that Israel isn't going anywhere close to the ash heap of nations.  Pretty sure the Bible says they aren't going anywhere...especially at the hands of Iran, Russia, Syria, Turkey, Egypt or any other nation or coalition.

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