
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Israel May Take Out Syria's WMD's

It would appear that the destruction of Damascus looms larger with every passing day's headlines.

U.S. intelligence agencies are closely watching Israel’s military for signs it will conduct strikes on Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons, amid concerns the deadly nerve agents could fall under the control of Hezbollah or al Qaeda terrorists, U.S. officials said.

Syria’s arsenal remains vulnerable as the result of the internal conflict currently underway in Syria between government forces and opposition rebels, one official said.

“Everyone suspects Syria maintains an active chemical weapons program; and it would be dangerous not to plan accordingly,” the official said.

The exact size of the Syrian chemical arsenal is not known. The Center for Strategic and International Studies reported several years ago that Syria has stockpiled 500 to 1,000 metric tons of chemical agents. The weapons are said to include long-lasting VX nerve agent and less-persistent Sarin nerve agent, as well as mustard blister agents.


We've said it before and we will say it again....Israel is VERY SENSITIVE to the idea of being gassed.  It goes back to WWII when millions of Jews were gassed in the "showers" of Nazi concentration camps....

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