
Friday, June 22, 2012

Syria Shoots Down Turkish Fighter Jet

These types of 'incidences' are what can lead to full scale war.  We will need to watch this story closely to see how it develops.

Reports in Turkey initially stated that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Syria had apologised for shooting down the plane.

"Syria immediately offered a very serious apology for the incident and admitted it was a mistake", Haberturk daily newspaper quoted Mr Erdogan as saying onboard a plane on the way to Turkey from Brazil.
However, Mr Erdogan later told a news conference that he could not confirm reports that Syria had shot it down and had apologised.
He said he had no word on the fate of the pilot and navigator on board.
"The chief of general staff has made the necessary statement about the missing plane. I am not saying it was brought down at the point it fell. It is not possible to say this without knowing the exact facts,"

The incident prompted the calling of an emergency security meeting to be led later on Friday by Mr Erdogan and attended by top military and intelligence chiefs.

Turkey is a member of Nato, meaning that it could invoke Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty and summon the aid of all 28 countries in the alliance if it comes under attack. Turkey's government is a strident critic of President Bashar al-Assad's regime and tension has risen along the land border between the two neighbours.

A series of shooting incidents has taken place across this frontier so far this year. The Free Syrian Army, a rebel alliance fighting to overthrow Mr Assad, has a strong presence inside Turkey. The Turkish air force, one of the strongest in the region, conducts regular patrols through the highly sensitive airspace near Syria.


Of course we see major movement of Russia coming together with Iran...but we sure are curious of how Turkey is going to come on board the Ezekiel 38 coalition when Iran and Russia are some of Syria's biggest supporters?

We will need to watch this development very closely.  Also remember that it's very possible that Ezekiel 38 will happen AFTER the rapture of the church...and once the rapture happens and the Holy Spirit is withdrawn...the entire geo-political chess board could be majorly shuffled.

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