
Friday, June 22, 2012

Freemasonry Renounced

I believe that most folks who claim to part of a Masonic lodge are good, civic minded people who enjoy hanging out with other men, drinking a few beers and doing some community service projects.  The problem is, in the higher ranks of Masonry, Satan is being served.

Remember what Jesus said, "You are either for me or against me."  So does being a Mason lead you closer to Jesus or does it knowingly (or unknowingly) serve another master?

At Thursday’s service, which was marked by bold renunciations from several pastors and declarations from government via Senator Reverend David Durrant, the congregation of about 700 at Sanctuary Empowerment Centre prayed against the “spirits of fear, death, secret rites and passwords, the love of position and power” and the “mingling of truth with error”.

The event marked the last of a two-night lecture entitled Secrets Of Freemasonry and opened with a lecture by former master Tony Jordan, who left a local Scottish order 25 years ago after surrendering his life to Christ.

Jordan recalled giving his first expose of the lodge in 1991, being abandoned by his family and accused of having been ousted from the lodge in abject disgrace.

“In the lodge I met men of integrity, civic-minded men, law-abiding men, doctors . . . ,” he conceded as he addressed the congregation.

But he pointed out that several Masonic rites parodied the Word of God, particularly the death and resurrection of Christ.

Jordan also explained that most members in Barbados only rose to the position of master and were therefore unaware of the satanic elements of masonic lodges, whose stated tenets were brotherly love, relief and truth.

Only those in the higher echelons of the lodges, from the 31st to 33rd degree, were aware that satanic worship was at the core of their rituals and that Lucifer was worshipped as the Great Architect of the Universe, he added.

“They [masonic lodges] serve the same master: the Father of All Lights, Satan . . . . The rites seek to parallel much of what is in the Bible,” he told enthralled listeners.

Read more:

This isn't the first article I have read by an ex-Masonic master.  The others also report the same thing.  A Mason is slowly groomed and heads up into more and bigger secrets, passwords, handshakes and blood oaths.

Now do a little Google searching and see if you can discover how many leaders of America have been 33 degree Masons.  You will probably be surprised...and it may add a whole new understanding of why the Bible tells us, "The whole world is under the control of the Evil One."

Yep...the "whole world" most definitely includes America.

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