
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Israel Warns of Syria's Chemical Weapons

Syria has lots of chemical weapons.  Israel is VERY sensitive about the possibility of any of its citizens being gassed. 

Bashar Assad’s chemical weapon stockpile could fall into the hands of Syrian rebels, which would threaten Israeli national security, Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh warned.

“Syria’s chemical arsenal is the world’s largest, and it possesses missiles that can target the entirety of Israel’s territory,” Naveh said Sunday at a memorial event in Jerusalem honoring soldiers who fell in the Lebanon War.

The IDF “must not cease vigilance,” he said, lest such weapons fall into the hands of terrorist organizations operating in Syria, such as al-Qaeda or Hezbollah.

Naveh’s statements regarding chemical weapons and missiles came shortly after Syrian rebels reportedly commandeered a Syrian air force base near the city of Homs and took possession of a number of surface-to-air missile batteries.

The deputy chief of staff cautioned that the brutality displayed in Syria by the Assad regime against its own citizens could easily be directed toward Israel. ”What the Syrians are doing to their people, they would do to us if they had a chance,” he said.

Of course you can't read this article without thinking about Isaiah 17 and the utter destruction of Damascus.  What will be the event that triggers the ultimate destruction of this city....maybe it's Hezbollah taking over chemicals and threatening Israel with destruction?

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