
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Russia's Attack Helicopters in Syria?

This whole Syria thing could turn into a real mess....and possibly sooner than later.  Now we have Hilary sounding the alarm about the Russians getting involved.

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton charged Tuesday that Russia is sending military attack helicopters to Syria, and warned that the move could escalate the 15-month-old conflict “quite dramatically.”

Russia has denied that President Bashar Assad’s regime is using Russian weapons against its political opponents, but Clinton derided that claim as untrue.

 A Pentagon spokesman, Capt. John Kirby, said he couldn’t confirm Clinton’s information but added, “We know that they are using helicopter gunships now to attack their own people.”

New shipments of Russian attack helicopters, if true, would be a setback for international efforts to scale back a conflict that already has claimed more than 10,000 lives and appears on the verge of civil war. Clinton’s charge is likely to sharpen frictions between the United States and Russia. The Obama administration is seeking Russian diplomatic help on a number of fronts.


Holy escalation!!  If the Russians start sending the Syrian government tools with which to attack, torture and kill their citizens....what will the "civilized" world do at the United Nations? 

I think we need to dispatch the Peace, Love and Joy Coalition from Berkley, CA to Russia so they can talk to Putin and see if they can't get him to see that his unloving actions are a detriment to peace and love.

"Mr. Putin, my name is Everbloom Nelson-Johnson from the PLJ Coalition...thank you for meeting with me today sir.  As you maybe know, we have heard there is some nasty stuff going on in Syria and we at PLJ wanted to make sure that you were aware that President Assad's troops are doing unspeakable things to women and children....even S-E-X ual things, that while we don't have the definition of perversion...suffice it to say we believe they would be classified as unwelcome advances by full grown men...and we wanted to make sure that you knew about these things and in the interest of peace, love, joy and tolerance that you would quit sending bullets to Syria and tell Assad to start acting more loving towards his citizens.  Would you do that?"

Putin to head of KGB...."Is this a joke?  Who are these idiots?  Are these folk clueless how the rules of power work?  Aren't these clowns from the same town that outlawed U.S. Military recruiting stations?"

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