
Sunday, June 3, 2012

"Thunder" Will Fall on Israel

As the rumors of war continue to build...the rhetoric continues to heat up.

TEHRAN: Any attack by Israel on Iran will blow back on the Jewish state “like thunder,” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Sunday.

Khamenei also said that the international community’s suspicion that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons is based on a “lie” and he insisted that sanctions imposed on his country were ineffective and only strengthened its resolve.
His speech, broadcast on state television to mark death of his predecessor and founder of the Islamic republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, contained no sign Iran was prepared to make any concessions on its disputed nuclear programme. Instead, it was infused with defiance and Khamenei’s customary contempt for Iran’s arch-foes Israel and the United States. If the Israelis “make any misstep or wrong action, it will fall on their heads like thunder,” Khamenei said. The Jewish state, he added, was feeling “vulnerable” and “terrified” after losing deposed Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak as an ally.

At one point in his speech, Khamenei declared it “forbidden to stop on the path to progress, in the political sphere and in the sphere of science and technology.” That carried the implication that Iran had no intention on scaling back its nuclear development.


It would certainly appear that a showdown is looming between the sons of Isaac (the son of promise) and their ancient arch enemy, called Iran.

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