
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Western Education is a Sin

While many of us are getting ready for Sunday morning church, our brothers and sisters in Africa are under attack.

A suicide car bombing of a church on the outskirts of the northern Nigerian city of Bauchi seriously injured at least 40 people, according to the Red Cross.

The explosion happened at 10 a.m. local time at the Living Faith church in the Yelwan Tudu district, Adamu Abubakar, a Red Cross official, said in an interview in Bauchi today. Abubakar couldn’t immediately confirm how many people had died. Joseph Michael, a worshipper at the church, said he saw four people who died from the blast.

Authorities in Nigeria, Africa’s biggest oil producer, have blamed Boko Haram, which seeks to impose strict Islamic law in the country, for a surge in attacks since 2009 in the mainly Muslim north and the capital Abuja in which hundreds of people have died this year.

Boko Haram, whose name means “Western education is a sin,” claimed responsibility for multiple blasts and attacks in the northern city of Kano on Jan. 20 that killed at least 256 people and for the Aug. 26 suicide car-bombing of a United Nations office in Abuja in which 25 people died.

Nigeria, Africa’s most-populous country with more than 160 million people, is almost evenly split between the largely Muslim north and a predominantly Christian south.


So what's up?  Why do these Muslim groups want to keep all their people in the dark?  Why don't they want them to know how to read?  What do they have against churches?

Because Jesus said He came to bring Truth and that the Truth may set us free.  Free from what?...Satan's grasp.  Who doesn't want to lose his grip on us?  Satan.  So he sets out to organize a group of Muslims who call themselves "Western Education is a Sin"....and he convinces them to wrap themselves in explosives and blow up a bunch of folks who are sitting in church pews listening to the Truth.

But just remember friends....the media here in the USA insists that Islam is a religion of peace...and many of the mainline denominations are working overtime to promote the idea to their congregants that if we look hard enough we can find lots of similarities between Islam and Christianity.

Have we all lost our minds?  No....but this nation is certainly falling under a spell...a spell cast by the Prince of the Earth.

Jesus, please guard our hearts and minds.

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