
Friday, July 6, 2012

20 Biblical Signs That We Are in the Last Days

I am about half way through Joel Rosenberg's latest book titled IMPLOSION.  Of course I would highly recommend the book as pretty much everything Rosenberg writes is really good.  Plus it just confirms a lot of things that we already know...and confirmation in a crazy world is always good to get.

On page 76, Rosenberg lists the twenty signs that the Bible tells us we will see in the last days.  I thought it was an awesome list so will share it with you here.

1. Wars and rumors of wars
2. Uprisings and revolutions and kingdoms being shaken
3. Famines
4. Earthquakes
5. Pestilences and plagues
6. Terrors and growing fears
7. Great signs in the heavens and bloodred moons
8. The roaring of the sea and the waves
9. Persecution of the church
10. Apostasy of the church
11. Betrayal
12. Lawlessness
13. False prophets and false teachers
14. False messiahs
15. Increase in knowledge and travel
16. The state of Israel being reborn and increasingly becoming the epicenter of international attention
17. The Gospel being preached to every nation
18. A spiritual awakening in Israel among the Jewish people
19. A spiritual awakening in Iran
20. An increase in mockery of Bible prophecy

Wow, that's pretty cool.  If you take a truthful look at this list and reflect back over the past hundred years, it would be near impossible to NOT understand that the events on this list are happening with more frequency and a quickening tempo.

#19 is especially cool because we did a posting yesterday on dreams and visions and the thousands of Iranians who are turning their lives over to Christ on a daily basis.

#15 is also especially timely as the news that has just come out in the past few days that scientist have 'discovered' the 'god particle' that explains how all mass is possible.  Also the news that has just come out that scientists are making strange flesh like babies with 3 parents and pigs who have been 'manufactured' to have human blood and/or grow human organs.

So look over this list, or better yet, print it and carry it in your wallet or purse.  Be ready to ask people if they feel like there is something big going on in the world..and if they answer in the affirmative then ask them if they believe it is related to what the Bible told us to watch for.

The Holy Spirit is using prophecy to awaken this sleepy country.  Those who are perishing will fall further into a deep sleep and will increase the mockery of prophecy, just like #20 says.  But those in whom the Holy Spirit has been plowing the ground may take your words and run like the wind with them.

Watch and pray for the people whom Christ is putting in your life.  Be sensitive and be bold.  The harvest is at hand!

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