
Friday, July 6, 2012

Finland Threatens to Leave Euro

The world has been wondering what the heck is going to happen if a tiny, crappy-economy country (like Greece) leaves the Euro zone.  But what if a prosperous country, like Finland, decides to leave while the getting is good?

Uh-oh...that would be bad.

The Finns just dropped a bomb in the lap of the Euro zone leaders and changed the terms of the debate over Europe’s future. In an interview with a leading Helsinki daily, today, Finance Minister, Jutta Urpilainen, said that Finland would be prepared to leave the Euro rather than take responsibility for other countries debts and risks. She has also made clear she will seek collateral from Spain before committing to the bailout. That move is likely to bring just the humiliation Spain sought to avoid.

Prior to last week’s Euro summit in Brussels, the Germans, French, Spaniards and Italians met to discuss possible solutions to the Italian and Spanish debt crises. By believing that Germany and France alone hold the solution to these problems, the big four will have antagonized smaller countries whose skin is as much in this game as theirs. Finland just fought back.


Yep, the nations sure are shaking.  No one has any clue how to make it stop...and few are willing to consider that they need the God to fix the enormous problems they have made for themselves.  If mankind doesn't humble ourselves and pray to God to heal our sure seems like this gig is about up.

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