
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Normalizing Pedophelia

We said it from the beginning....if you can make everyone believe that all homosexuals are "born this way"...and if you are born this way it is impossible to change....and if it's impossible to change then we have to act on our desires....the homosexual community has now successfully transitioned all of society (including President Obama) from believing homosexuality is a perversion to believing it should be celebrated.

So if the gays can use that argument about all the people out there who are born with the desire to have sex with little kids?  How about all the married men who are born with the desire to have sex with other women?  How about bi sexual people who were born with the desire to have sex with both sexes....shouldn't they be allowed to marry one man and one woman?  Why stop with one partner?  How about allowing groups of people who love to screw each other and claim to be in love....shouldn't they be allowed to form families by getting married?

It looks like that is exactly what's coming.

Do people who rape children, or fantasize about sexually abusing them, deserve sympathy – because they were born with the brains of pedophiles?

That’s the question a prominent scientist and a well-known anchor at CNN have asked in the wake of the recent Jerry Sandusky scandal.

CNN recently featured a story by James Cantor, a homosexual psychologist and scientist at the Sexual Behaviors Clinic of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health who serves as associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto.
“It appears that one can be born with a brain predisposed to experience sexual arousal in response to children,” he wrote in his CNN piece.

He continued, “Cases of child molestation that involve long strings of victims over the course of years illustrate what can happen when someone gives in to, or outright indulges, his sexual interests, regardless of its potential damage on others. It is those cases that dominate headlines and provoke revulsion toward pedophiles.

“But they are rare. An untold number of cases merit sympathy.

“The science suggests that they are people who, through no fault of their own, were born with a sex drive that they must continuously resist, without exception, throughout their entire lives. Little if any assistance is ever available for them.”


Yes...since they were born this way, the poor things need our sympathy...and if we can offer them our sympathy then maybe we can one day help them to find outlets for their sexual desires...maybe by connecting them with 18 year olds who LOOK LIKE they are 10 years old?  Or maybe we should lower the age for consensual sex down to 12 or 14....I mean really, most 14 year olds are having sex why should it be a crime for a man to have sex with her if she asks for it?  And very soon, someone will bring up the idea that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was most likely only 14 when she was

You see where this is going?

Isn't it interesting how lost society can become without Jesus Christ at the center of it?  Doesn't it seem like God is simply giving us over to the perversion that we desire as a society?

When a society sows incredible amounts of porn, and not just man on woman porn, but gay porn, fetish porn, child porn, animal will reap perversion.  The whole idea of reaping what you sow is a biblical principal.  If we use today's language we might say, "Garbage in...garbage out."

It's coming like a flood....

1 comment:

  1. As Richard Dawkins has said..."We are all just dancing to our DNA"

    Hang on tight folks! Now days bad is considered good and good is bad.
    How do we know the difference?

    God's Word tells us.
