
Monday, July 30, 2012

Century of Drought?

So what will the 7 billion people on planet earth eat if the rain doesn't come?  Of course the answer is; "not much". 

During the drought that started at the turn of the century, forests withered, river basins were depleted, crop productivity dropped and carbon sequestration — the natural capturing of carbon in the atmosphere — was cut in half across the western United States, Canada and Mexico. "That's a huge drop," researcher Beverly Law, of Oregon State University, said in a statement. "And if global carbon emissions don't come down, the future will be even worse."

The last two periods to match those severe conditions were in the Middle Ages, from 977 to 981 and 1146 to 1151, Law and her fellow researchers found using tree ring data. But by the end of this century, 2000 to 2004 may be remembered as a relatively wet period if conditions worsen as the new study suggests. The researchers forecast that a 21st century "megadrought" may be ahead and that 80 of the 95 years from 2006 to 2100 may have precipitation levels as low as, or lower than, the drought from 2000 to 2004.


Holy megadrought!!  80-95 years with only a little rain to grow the crops, fill the rivers and streams and replenish the aquifers??...I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that would be catastrophic.

Of course WE KNOW that 7 billion people won't just sit still in their homes and starve.  They will go looking for food. 

Sadly the poor people all across Africa, Asia, Central and South America, simply won't have any choice but to sit in their squalor and wait.  It's not like they have money and cars to pack into and start driving across Africa looking for greener pastures.

Imagine the millions of people living in Arizona, Nevada, and other desert climates here in America?  What will their homes be worth if there isn't enough water to flush their toilets or fill their backyard swimming pools?  Pretty much $0.

Of course science has no idea if it's going to rain next year.  This is just one among thousands of interesting headlines that MAY BE foreshadowing of events the Bible says are coming.  If God chooses to send the rain or hold the rain...that is His domain.

"When the Lamb (Jesus) opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, 'Come!"  I looked and there before me was a pale horse!  Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him.  They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wold beasts of the earth."  Revelation 6:7-8

The Bible is clear that during this seal judgment that 1/4 of the earth's population (1.7 billion?) will die by war, famine, plague and wild animals.  Maybe that day is much closer than we know?

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