
Monday, July 30, 2012

World is Sliding Backwards

When it comes to religious freedom around the world, even Hilary says the world is sliding backwards.

With religious freedom in a state of decline in many parts of the world, the United States will pay particular attention to countries in political transition, like Egypt and other participants in the Arab awakening, to see that they do not follow a worrisome trend.

That was the message from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, on the day the State Department released its annual report on religious freedom around the world.

“We are going to judge by actions, not words,” Secretary Clinton declared in a Washington speech Monday, speaking of Egypt and whether or not the new Islamist leadership of the key Arab country would follow through on commitments to represent and respect the rights of all of Egypt’s religious minorities.

“The US is prepared to work with the leaders the Egyptian people choose,” she said, but American support “will depend on [those leaders’] commitment to universal rights.” She spoke vaguely of “consequences” if governments like Egypt’s fail to protect their citizens’ rights, but she offered no specifics.


So Hilary and the White House are going to pay special attention to the countries who participated in the Arab awakening?? if they start chasing out Christians and/or killing them as the Arabs awaken and decide they want Sharia law...then we are going to threaten to borrow less money from China to give to them??

Awesome!  That ought to go well!

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