
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Massive Power Failures Affect Millions in India

We have written much over the years about how America's Achilles heal is electricity.  Without electricity, the USA would turn into a hellish nightmare of a place in about one week.  No food, no water, to TV, no computer, no X Box, no cell phone, no refrigerator.....NO FUN!!!

We continue to get foreshadowing events that electricity may go down.  Remember all the talk about solar storms and how a big one could knock out our electricity?  Remember how Washington D.C. went without electricity for almost a week for a few million customers just last month?  Remember how a new NBC Series called REVOLUTION is airing commercials during the Olympics and the show takes place in a time when America loses electricity for years?

Now let's look at the headlines coming out of India today.

Power Failures Hit Half of India

NEW DELHI — About 600 million people lost power in India on Tuesday when the country’s northern and eastern electricity grids failed, crippling the country for a second consecutive day.

The outage stopped hundreds of trains in their tracks, darkened traffic lights, shuttered the Delhi Metro and left nearly everyone — the police, water utilities, private businesses and citizens — without electricity. About half of India’s population of 1.2 billion people was without power. India’s unofficial power grid, a huge number of backup diesel generators and other private power sources, kept hospitals electrified and major airports running.

Manoranjan Kumar, an economic adviser with the Ministry of Power, said in a telephone interview that the grids had failed and that the ministry was working to figure out the source of the problem. The northern and eastern grids cover 11 states and the capital city of Delhi, stretching from India’s northern tip in Kashmir to Rajasthan to West Bengal’s capital of Kolkata.
The failure happened without warning just after 1 p.m., electric company officials said.

Institutions without a private backup system were shuttered. All trains stopped in the Delhi Metro, which carries nearly 2 million passengers a day. Trains were pulled to the closest stations using battery back up, and then evacuated, a spokeswoman for the Delhi Metro said, and the stations have been locked. “We had never anticipated such a thing,” the spokeswoman said.

“While on the one hand it is a pity that over 26,000 megawatts of power stations are idle due to the nonavailability of coal, on the other one grid failure has brought the system collapsed,” said the group’s secretary general D.S. Rawat, noting that “the entire power situation at present is headed for disaster.”

Did you catch those statements?  Failure happened without warning.....we never anticipated such a thing.....the situation is headed for disaster.....

Remember friends, the folks from India (Indians) are used to living in squalor.  Have of them live in small boxes and have very little material they aren't as prone to rise up and stage a revolution when the electricity goes out.  They simply butcher another chicken from the backyard, put it in a pot over the fire and wait for the power to go back on.  Or they simply go down to the river and wash their clothes and wait for the power to go back on.

But just imagine what would happen in America?  It is actually unimaginable.

I pray that all these things are foreshadowing of what is to come during The Tribulation and that we followers of Christ have already been withdrawn.....because I kind of like my electricity...and I don't relish the thought of washing my clothes in the Crow River during the winter.


Lord Jesus, please save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.  Amen.

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