
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Iran Threatens USA

We know that the U.S. and Israel have both said repeatedly when asked about stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions, "We have taken nothing off the table."

Of course if you were Iran, you clearly understand what this means....if sanctions won't work to make you stop cooking nuke material then we will come in with Plan B, meaning military force.

So now Iran is throwing out some threats of it's own.  Yesterday a big general in Iran said that if Western powers hit Iran, then Iran will welcome the opportunity to use that attack as a reason to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.

Today we have an Iranian General issuing threats of what will happen to America if Iran is attacked.

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars is reporting the country can destroy nearby U.S. military bases and strike Israel within minutes of an attack on the Islamic Republic.

The Wednesday report quotes Gen. Ami Ali Hajizadeh of the powerful Revolutionary Guards as saying U.S. bases, and Israel — which he referred to as “occupied territories” — are in range of Iran’s missiles and could be struck as a retaliatory measure.

"Measures have been taken so that we could destroy all these bases in the early minutes of an attack,” said Hajizadeh, chief of the Guards’ airspace division.

Iran and the West are at odds over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and neither Israel nor the U.S. have ruled out a military strike on the country if diplomacy fails to stop its nuclear program.


Some military analysts insist that Iran has a big bark but not as big a bite as they want folks to believe...meaning that if Israel and America both decide to team up on should be a rather one sided event in favor of America and Israel.

But let's remember that the U.S. military has now openly welcomed perversion into it's ranks, has created space in it's Christian chapels for Islam and pagan worship, and has been openly turning from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Will God continue to bless America and the most powerful military force the world has ever seen?  Will a war with Iran be easily one sided in favor of America?....or could this be one other example of how limited American power really is as evidenced in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Remember, Israel and Iran are both mentioned players in the Last Days as laid out in the Bible....but America is no where to be found.

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