
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Iran Test Fires Missile That Can Reach Israel

How much longer can Israel afford to wait?

DUBAI - Iran said on Tuesday it had successfully tested medium-range missiles capable of hitting Israel as a response to threats of attack, the latest move in a war of nerves with the West.

Israel says it could attack Iran if diplomacy fails to secure a halt to its disputed nuclear energy program. The United States also has military force as a possible option but has repeatedly encouraged the Israelis to be patient while new economic sanctions are implemented against Iran.

The Islamic Republic announced the "Great Prophet 7" missile exercise on Sunday after a European embargo against Iranian crude oil purchases took full effect following another fruitless round of big power talks with Tehran.

Iran's official English-language Press TV said the Shahab 3 missile with a range of 1,300 km (800 miles) - able to reach Israel - was tested along with the shorter-range Shahab 1 and 2.

"The main aim of this drill is to demonstrate the Iranian nation's political resolve to defend vital values and national interests," Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Hossein Salami was quoted by Press TV as saying.


So is Iran bluffing?  Do they really have a big missile that they could put a nuclear warhead on and make Israel vanish from the face of the earth?  Can Israel afford to risk it? 

Remember, they sat around in Germany and Europe listening to Hitler's rhetoric about the Third Reich which included the elimination of the Jews...and they never believed it would happen...until the barb wire went up and the German army closed up the Jews in their neighborhoods.

Then it was too late...and they vowed they would NEVER let it happen again.

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