
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

American Weakness is Dangerous

For all the imperfections that America has, certainly we do realize that America is the world's last best hope.  Think about it, what do you think the world would have looked like if Hitler had won?  How about if the Japanese Imperial Army had won?  What if Russia ruled the world??  How about China??

We can see how China and Russia treat their citizens and how dark and depressing they can be.

So what happens if America simply loses it's ability to pay for our aircraft carriers and our fancy drones and missiles?  What if China refuses to loan us the money that we desperately need to keep paying for our military?

Ex Secretary Rumsfeld is sounding the alarm that American weakness, or ever the perception of weakness, will be dangerous for planet earth.

Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in a rare public speech, warned that American military and financial weakness is creating a more dangerous and unstable world.

Rumsfeld also said the U.S. government, both Congress and the executive branch, is dysfunctional and ill-suited for the information age. He called for creating a blue-ribbon commission to modernize the administrative functions of government agencies and institutions in both branches.

The former defense secretary during the George W. Bush administration said he was asked recently what keeps him awake at night.

“What I worry about most today is American weakness,” Rumsfeld told a conference of congressional staff members and former government officials hosted by the Defense Forum Foundation on Capitol Hill.

“The signal of weakness is a dangerous one,” he said.


Rumsfeld also expressed concerns about Turkey’s government, which in recent months has arrested numerous military officers as the Islamist-oriented government in Ankara sought to limit military influence.

“Turkey has arrested and thrown in jail a lot of military personnel,” Rumsfeld said. “A lot of them have very strong NATO relations. That puts up a caution flag.”


We know that Turkey is moving further away from the Western democracy model and for the last 5-6 years has been moving closer to the Russian and Iranian camp....just like Ezekiel 38 says that they will.

Remember, America isn't mentioned in any Last Days prophecy.  Most Watchers believe that when the church is raptured (which removes the Holy Spirit) that America will be the single most affected nation on earth...and that the loss of millions of people in the twinkling of an eye will simply be too devastating to our financial system....and the greatest nation on earth will be done.

When this happens, Israel will soon realize that their protector is gone...and so will Russia, Iran and Turkey...and they will get an evil thought to go in an take all of Israel's gas, oil, and minerals from the Dead Sea believing that no one will be able to stop them.

But as you read the story you will soon figure out that the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob has other plans.

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