
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Face Eating Zombie in China

A few weeks ago we had a raft of zombie-like behavior here in the USA....and now yesterday we posted of a dude in Texas killing and eating a dog.  What???

As one reader told me, "Quit posting this zombie stuff...I'm getting queasy!"

Yes, I get it.  I would love to quit posting it...but it just keeps jumping out of the headlines at me.

Today, we find out that this face eating behavior is not just in America but seems to have jumped to China.

A woman has been hospitalized in China after a drunken bus driver allegedly attacked her and began gnawing on her face.

The woman, identified as "Du," was driving near a bus station in Wenzhou on Tuesday when a man ran into the street, blocking her car. The man, a bus driver identified as "Dong," allegedly climbed onto the hood of Du's car and began hitting the windshield, according to the Malaysia Chronicle.

Du got out of the car, and allegedly Dong tackled her to the ground, where he began chewing on her face, according to Shanghai Daily. Witnesses say they attempted to pull Dong off of her, but were unable to do so.

Doctors say Dong did enough damage to the woman's face that she will need plastic surgery to repair her nose and lips.


Remember the days when people used to get drunk and put a lampshade on their head and dance around the room believing they were the life of the party??  Apparently, some drunks now prefer to gnaw on faces.

So what makes a drunk Chinese bus driver stop a woman in her car and chew on her face?

I seriously wonder if there is some really strange demon that has been unleashed on earth who gains access to unsaved folks when they open their minds to it while using strange drugs and alcohol?

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