
Monday, July 2, 2012

Man Bites Then Eats Dog

The stories are just getting stranger as the days go by.  I believe this is accomplishing the purpose of making all of us 'hate this life,' which makes us long for the life which is to come.

Michael Daniel, 22, allegedly smoked spice in his Waco, Texas home before he assaulted his housemates and then ran out of the house into his yard, where he began crawling around on his hands and knees. He barked and growled at a neighbor and chased him back into his home.

Daniel then allegedly took his housemate's dog, a medium-sized spaniel mix, out onto the house's porch. He allegedly beat and strangled the dog, according to Waco Police Sgt. Patrick Swanton, and then began chewing "hunks of flesh" from the animal.

Daniel's housemates called police and requested emergency assistance, saying Daniel was "going crazy." Officers arrived at the house to find Daniel sitting on the porch with "blood and fur around his mouth" and with the dead dog lying in his lap, Swanton said.

Daniel, who police say told his housemates he was "on a bad trip" just before the alleged rampage on June 14, was charged on Monday with cruelty to a non-livestock animal.


"They think they're dying," Louisiana Poison Control Center Director Dr. Mark Ryan told ABC News. "They have extreme paranoia. They're having hallucinations. They see things, they hear things, monsters, demons, aliens."


Monsters, demons and aliens??  Here's a thought...what if they actually are seeing Satanic things...and this drug is opening up their mind so that they truly are seeing into the 4th dimension....the place where monsters, demons and aliens are all lined up just waiting to break into the 3rd dimension...where we currently live?

This zombie-like behavior is really freaky.  So do you think this behavior is going to get more frequent or less frequent as the world marches toward The Tribulation?

Lord, have mercy.

Hat tip to Sadie H.

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