
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Israel Smack-dab in the Middle of it All

Here are the three headlines all currently running on the top headlines of Google News;

US warns Syria is 'spinning out of control'

"It is clear that the Assad regime is losing control of Syria," said Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council, adding that the sooner a workable transition takes place, "the greater the chance we have of averting a lengthy and bloody sectarian civil war".

Leon Panetta, the US defence secretary, said that the country was "rapidly spinning out of control", adding that the international community must "bring maximum pressure on Assad to do what's right, to step down and to allow for that peaceful transition".


And this;

Israel worried about fallout from Syria bombs

The suicide bombing that killed top members of Bashar Assad's inner circle "is a 7 on the Richter scale," a senior defense official said Wednesday, predicting that Assad's days were numbered as leader of Syria.

A bomb in a Damascus security building on Wednesday killed Defense Minister Daoud Rajha, former defense minister and senior military official General Hassan Turkmani and Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat. Syria’s Interior Minister as well as several other officials were seriously wounded in the attack.


And this;

Israelis killed in Bulgaria bus terror attack, minister says

(CNN) -- A deadly explosion on a bus carrying Israeli tourists at an airport in Bulgaria is "clearly a terrorist attack," Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Wednesday.
"We have several people killed and dozens of wounded people," Barak said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed the finger at Iran, saying it has been behind a string of recent attempted attacks on Israelis in Thailand, India and Georgia, among others.

"All the signs (are) leading to Iran," he said, according to a statement from his office.

Holy carnage!  The world does seem to be spinning out of control...and Israel is right-smack-dab in the middle of it all!!

How many times can Israel and it's citizens be jabbed, threatened, killed, and harassed before they finally say, "Today is the day.  May the God of our Fathers be with us."....and pull the trigger on a massive retaliation plan?  Their very existence is being threatened by lots of nasty folks with guns, bombs, missiles and deadly chemicals.

The Bible said Israel would be right in the middle of everything in the Last Days.

Can anyone argue that they aren't??

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