
Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Secret Sexual Revolution

Of course we all know that Christ followers on earth are called to be salt and light.  Salt serves as a preservative to keep the earth from spoiling (think of beef jerky) for a little while longer.  Light, in that we are to deliver the Truth of Jesus Christ thereby bringing light into a dark and dying world.

So what happens when the people who claim to be Christ followers are no different than the rest of the people on the planet?  What happens when they don't tell any of their friends and neighbors the Truth about Jesus?  What happens when they don't read their Bibles any more than unbelievers?  What happens when their divorce rates are the same as the rest of the world's?  What happens when their abortion rates are the same?...their pornography viewing habits the same?....their premarital sex rates the same?

Jesus said that when salt loses it's saltiness it should be cast out and trampled by pigs.  Those are pretty serious words coming from a Jew who is also the creator of the universe.

“We need to talk to people as they really live in the world they really live in,” Paris says. “If rates of premarital sex are really that high, but we continue to talk as if the vast majority of people are virgins when they get married, weʼre out of touch. We need to address reality."

And the reality is the numbers arenʼt going down. Of those 80 percent of Christians in the 18-29 age range who have had sex before marriage, 64 percent have done so within the last year and 42 percent are in a current sexual relationship.

In addition to having premarital sex, an alarming number of unmarried Christians are getting pregnant. Among unmarried evangelical women between the ages of 18 and 29, 30 percent have experienced a pregnancy (a number thatʼs actually 1 percent higher than among those who donʼt claim to be evangelical).

According to the Guttmacher Institute, nearly half of all pregnancies in America are unintended. And of those, 40 percent end in abortion. More than 1 million abortions occur in the United States each year. But perhaps the most disturbing statistic for the Church: 65 percent of the women obtaining abortions identify themselves as either Protestant or Catholic (37 percent Protestant and 28 percent Catholic). Thatʼs 650,000 abortions obtained by Christians every year.


The article goes on to say that during Bible times, women got married at 15 and men were they had very little time to resist temptation.  Today the average age for marriage is close to 28 in America...and that's almost 15 years to avoid temptation.

What is truly terrifying is the number of Christian women having abortions.  Jesus offers forgiveness for all offenses...and I thank God for his mercy every day.  But how long will his mercy last when the Bride of Christ is behaving so shamelessly?

Don't be surprised if judgment has already started....because we ARE the family of God.

"For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?"  1 Peter 4:17

Please understand that there is no wrath of God that awaits true followers of Christ....that is a promise that we will NOT GO THROUGH the Tribulation.....BUT the wrath of God is quite different than the judgment of God.  I'll let you ponder that one for a I am.

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