
Friday, July 20, 2012

I Will Curse Those Who Curse You

God tells us that that nations will be judged for how they treated his chosen people and the nation of Israel.  Nations who curse will be cursed.  Nations who bless will be blessed.

With that as a backdrop I thought the results of this survey were interesting.

Israel retained its position as one of the world's most negatively-viewed countries, according to BBC's annual poll published Wednesday night.

The 2012 Country Ratings Poll was conducted among 24,090 people worldwide, and asked respondents to rate whether the influence of 22 countries was “mostly positive” or “mostly negative.”

Evaluations of the Jewish state, already largely unfavorable in 2011, have worsened in 2012. Out of the 22 countries polled, the majority in 17 of them view Israel negatively, while only three (the US, Nigeria and Kenya) view Israel positively. In Kenya, negative ratings of Israel
fell by 10 points to 31%, while the country experienced an even larger increase in positive ratings of Israel, rising 16 points to 45%.

Negative perceptions of Israel in EU countries have continue to rise, reaching 74% in Spain (up 8%), 65% in France (up 9%), while in Germany and Britain the negative views
remain high but stable (69% and 68% respectively). In other Anglo countries, perceptions of Israel are worsening, including in Australia (65%), and Canada (59%).

Among Muslim countries, perceptions of Israel have continued to deteriorate. Of particular concern for Israel is the country sitting on its southern neighbor, Egypt, where 85% of the population views Israel negatively, up 7% since 2011.

In Asian countries, public opinion on Israel is
growing increasingly antagonistic. In China, just 23% of those surveyed view Israel positively compared with 45% negatively. In India, overall opinion has shifter from being divided in 2011 to leaning negatively. In South Korea, negative views of Israel rose a full 15% (to 69%), while positive views decreased 11% (to 20%)

The saving grace for Israel is United States, where the proportion of people viewing Israel negatively has decreased six points to 35% since 2011. This statistic marks the most positive views on Israel
expressed in the US since tracking began in 2005.


Holy poll results!  These results sure seem to confirm what the Bible promises about blessings and curses!  Here a Jewish newspaper says, "The saving grace for Israel is the United States..."  Our postive views of Israel are only getting our negative views fade!  Amazing!!

Many economists wonder why the USA hasn't collapsed already?  Well maybe because we are the saving grace of Israel....and God isn't quite done with us yet?

Now notice what countries are nearing collapse....Spain has 74% who are negative on Israel and they  are collapsing.  France is 65% negative and they have been over run by Muslims and 1500 mosques and will soon be on the edge of the financial abyss.  Australia is now at 65% so I would watch for the epic droughts and floods to continue pummeling that continent.

Of course, no big surprise in the Muslim countries and their feelings on Israel.  But take note that Egypt is now at 85%....and their country may soon break out in civil war between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian military as they wrestle for control of this messy country.

Also notice that South Korea, where Christianity has been making huge inroads, has had their negative views rise by 15% and are now at 69%.  So what could that mean?  Maybe their intense financial success over that past 50 years is soon going to be challenged....maybe by a really strange little, chubby boy who rules North Korea?

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