
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spainish Police Shooting Rubber Bullets

The unrest has started.  People in Spain are not happy that they can't spend any other people's money....and now they are mad at the government whom they elected to spend the other people's money.  Get it?

You see this is how it all happened.  Greece wanted to spend other people's money, so they borrowed money from Spain.  Spain wanted to do the same for they borrowed it from Italy....Italy borrowed it from France....and France borrowed it from Germany.  Now everyone is looking at everyone else and asking who REALLY HAS the money?  And this thing I know for sure....Germans will NOT APPROVE A MEASURE to bail everyone else out and sacrifice all their own pensions, savings and lifestyles in the process.  Would you??

July 19, 2012SPAIN - Spanish police fired rubber bullets and charged protestors in central Madrid early Friday at the end of a huge demonstration against economic crisis measures. Thick smoke hung in the air from plastic bins set alight by protestors chased by police, who hit them with batons when some tried to reach the heavily-guarded parliament at the end of a mostly peaceful march. AFP reporters at the scene said dozens of protestors lingered, some throwing bottles at police, near the Puerta del Sol, the big square at the heart of the city where a march of hundreds of thousands wound up late Thursday. A police official told AFP that officers arrested seven people and six people were injured. Earlier, workers protesting against crisis pay cuts and tax hikes filled the streets of several Spanish cities, yelling and whistling in anger as they branded the government’s latest crisis measures ‘robbery.’ They were the latest and biggest in an almost daily series of protests that erupted last week when Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced measures to save 65 billion euros ($80 billion) and slash the public deficit. Among the steps is a cut to the Christmas bonus paid to civil servants, equivalent to a seven-percent reduction in annual pay. This came on top of a pay cut in 2010, which was followed by a salary freeze. “There’s nothing we can do but take to the street. We have lost between 10 and 15 percent of our pay in the past four years,” said Sara Alvera, 51, a worker in the justice sector, demonstrating in Madrid. “These measures won’t help end the crisis.” Spain is struggling with its second recession in four years and an unemployment rate of more than 24 percent. –Yahoo News


Ouch!!  24% unemployment rate??  How does that work?

Here is the best analogy of what is happening;   Suppose a 3 year old kid is sitting in your office happily minding his own business as he colors in his coloring book.  The kid is content.  You dig in your desk drawer and you say, "Here kid....have this big red loli pop!  It has tootsie roll in the middle."  The kid takes it and goes back to coloring as he sucks on his beg red tootsie pop.

After about 60 seconds of this you go back over and you say, "Sorry kid, I need that tootsie pop back."  And you proceed to pull it from his hand.  What will the kid do?  Of course he will cry, scream and throw a tizzy fit.  You say, "What's up kid?  60 seconds ago you didn't have the tootsie pop and you were content!  Why are you kicking and screaming now?"

That pretty much explains what is happening in Europe.  The only big difference is when there is 100,000,000 folks throwing a tizzy fit...then you have a problem.

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