
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Clerical Error

Yesterday we posted on some bullet purchases that had been solicited by the National Weather Service.

Today we have some followup news in regards to this.

The National Weather Service says it is not intending to arm its forecasters with high-powered weapons and ammunition — no matter how hot, cold, wet or windy it may get.

A purchase order issued Thursday seeking to buy 46,000 rounds of ammunition for use in National Weather Service offices in four states, including hollow-point bullets designed to cause extensive damage on impact and “frangible” ammunition used for close-quarter shooting when ricochets are unacceptable, actually was a “clerical error.”

The ammunition and 500 paper targets, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), are intended for the Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement.

“Due to a clerical error in the federal business vendor process, a solicitation for ammunition and targets for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement mistakenly identified NOAA's National Weather Service as the requesting office,” said Scott Smullen, deputy director of NOAA Communications & External Affairs. “The error is being fixed and will soon appear correctly in the electronic federal bidding system.


Well that's good to know.  But what about the billion rounds of hollow point ammo ordered by Homeland Security?  Is that a clerical error too?

Guess we will have to wait and see.

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