
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What's Up With These Bullet Purchases?

A few months ago we were surprised to read that the Dept. of Homeland Security was purchasing 450,000,000 rounds of pistol ammo.  That is amazing in and of itself, but why did they order hollow point bullets?  Hollow points have been illegal in war for over a century.

Who are they planning on shooting?

And now there is evidence coming out that the National Weather Service is also ordering thousands of rounds of ammo.

What??  Why does the National Weather Service need guns and bullets?  Is someone preparing for anarchy or what?

Why would the National Weather Service need to purchase large quantities of powerful ammo? That’s the question many are asking after the federal agency followed in the footsteps of the Department of Homeland Security in putting out a solicitation for 46,000 rounds of hollow point bullets.

A solicitation which appears on the FedBizOpps website asks for 16,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point (JHP) bullets, noted for their strength, to be delivered to locations in Ellsworth, Maine, and New Bedford, Mass.

A further 6,000 rounds of S&W JHP will be sent to Wall, New Jersey, with another 24,000 rounds of the same bullets heading to the weather station in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The NWS is following its federal counterpart the DHS in securing large quantities of ammo. Back in March,Homeland Security purchased 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage, prompting questions as to why the DHS needed such a large amount of powerful bullets merely for training purposes.

The DHS is also planning to purchase a further 750 million rounds of different types of ammo in a separate solicitation that also expires on August 20, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.

SO WHY ALL THE BULLETS?!  The author goes on to state the obvious...

The federal government is clearly gearing up for the likelihood of civil unrest on a scale that could outstrip what we’ve already seen in countries across Europe.

While the establishment demonizes the second amendment in light of recent mass shootings and legislation is prepared to ban the sale of large quantities of ammunition online, the federal government is acquiring ammunition at levels necessary to fight a full scale domestic war.

Holy Tribulation!!  Can you imagine the U.S. government turning on it's citizens? 

Here is a better question....can you imagine the unrest that will happen if the government quits feeding 45,000,000 people via food stamps?  Yes, we are talking about massive unrest.

I just hope and pray that we are gone before this happens.

Hat tip to Tim E.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I spent some time in the military.
    9mm for your service pistol. Long guns, 5.56×45mm NATO, 7.62×51mm NATO and in some cases .308. You can blow a whole bunch of ammo on the range.

    So who shoots 40 cal hollow points? This is against the Geneva Convention.

    Did some searching DHS is buying UMP .40 Caliber Submachinegun Magazines

    Here is a picture from the H&K site.

    These are very nice weapons. Top of the line.


