
Monday, August 13, 2012

Watch Egypt

I have been told there is an ancient Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times."  Well, maybe everyone believes their times are interesting, BUT with the frequency of events coming at us via the speed of the Internet, certainly it makes us wonder if we are living in the days that Daniel said would be the last...."and knowledge shall increase."

So let's look at Egypt a little bit.  The dictator was thrown out and we were happy for the Egyptians.  What American wouldn't be excited for those folks under the yoke of oppression to get a say in their own lives?

And then they have their first elections and they elect the Muslim Brotherhood as their government.  The charter of the Muslim Brotherhood is;  "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."

Nice bunch of folks!

And the optimists of the world, backed up by the media, told us that certainly the Egyptian military would NOT allow the Muslim Brotherhood to rule.....

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's military has shown no sign of opposing the president's surprise decision to retire the defense minister and chief of staff and seize back the powers the military grabbed from his office.

Nearly a full day after the order, no unusual military movements were reported anywhere across the nation.

President Mohammed Morsi's shake-up of the military took the nation by surprise. It has transformed his image overnight from a weak leader to a savvy politician who carefully timed his move against generals who stripped him of significant powers days before he took office on June 30.

The military appears to have acquiesced to Morsi's bold decisions. The official news agency quoted an unnamed military official late Sunday as saying there has been no "negative reaction" from within the military.


But remember, Egypt still has a big role to play in prophetic they are NOT going to exit the world stage until that role is played.

Isaiah 19:1
[ A Prophecy Against Egypt ] A prophecy against Egypt: See, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him, and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear.

Isaiah 19:2
“I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian— brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.

Sounds like civil war may be coming for Egypt....  I would recommend you read all of Isaiah 19 if you want to watch for what is coming for Egypt.

But in the VERY end there will be good.  Remember darkness always comes before daylight.  The Tribulation must happen before the Son of Man returns to usher in daylight.

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