
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dishonorable Disclosures

Did it ever strike you  as wrong that Obama was releasing all the details of the Osama Bin Laden killing within hours of it happening?

Did you ever wonder how the Stuxnet virus got leaked and discovered that the computer virus was a joint venture between Israel and America?

Did it make you sad that the Pakistani doctor who gave us information on Bin Laden got sentenced to 33 years in prison for helping us?

Did it even dawn on you that Obama is leaking all this information for political gain...because he truly doesn't care about America but is more interested about bringing the change necessary to usher in a one-word-union?

Watch this video and decide for yourselves;

Honestly, I am coming to the conclusion that America will not survive another 4 years of Barack Hussein Obama.

Am I thrilled about Mitt  But if we only have 2 choices, I would have to vote for the "least worst" option. 

We need to stay in prayer for this country.  It is appearing that only God will be able to save us now...and I'm not convinced we deserve to be saved.

Hat tip to Barb F.

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