
Friday, August 17, 2012

Iran's Leader; No Place for Israel in Middle East

The Iranian leadership continues it's harsh rhetoric and threats against the Jewish State, this time saying that there is no place for Israel in the new Middle East.

DUBAI (Reuters) - Many thousands of Iranians shouted "Death to America, death to Israel" during state-organized protests on Friday and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told them there was no place for the Jewish state in a future Middle East.

Iran, penalized by tough Western sanctions, faces the threat of an Israeli or U.S. military strike on its disputed nuclear facilities. With popular uprisings reshaping the region, the Islamic Republic is also trying to prevent the overthrow of its closest Arab ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"You want a new Middle East? We do too, but in the new Middle East ... there will be no trace of the American presence and the Zionists," Ahmadinejad told worshippers at Tehran University in an event broadcast live on state television.

State television said millions of Iranians joined the al-Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) marches across the country and showed large crowds chanting slogans and carrying portraits of Khomeini and his successor, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Some bore a coffin decked with pictures of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders. Demonstrators burned American and Israeli flags.


Well, the showdown continues.  Iran has to be feeling the pressure as their best Arab client, Syria,  begins to crumble.  How will Iran supply Hezbollah in Lebanon with rockets if Syria's leadership changes?   So Iran's leadership must be feeling threatened.  This would explain the recent uptick in bellicose statements coming from it's leaders.

Of course we also need to realize that when wild animals feel cornered they will do crazy things.  So what might Iran do as it continues to be cornered by the world and even cornered by it's own people?

1 comment:

  1. It appears that Israel is taking this seriously. Per Vilnai, former DM: Israel is more ready than ever for war.

    In interview with 'The Jerusalem Post' outgoing home front defense minister says Israel will only go to war with Iran "if the sword was clearly at our throats"; claims home front prepared for possible multi-front attack.


