
Friday, August 17, 2012

If Syria Falls, Who Will Catch the Nerve Gas?

The world's governments understand that Syria has tons of nerve gas.  Nerve gas is classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. (WMD)  Even a droplet of this nerve gas inhaled or landing on your skin makes your eyeballs blister, then you poop yourself and then you die when your lung muscles cease to work.

Here is the official way of saying that you poop yourself and then you die;
Initial symptoms following exposure to nerve agents (like sarin) are a runny nose, tightness in the chest, and constriction of the pupils. Soon after, the victim will then have difficulty breathing and will experience nausea and drooling. As the victim continues to lose control of his or her bodily functions, he or she will involuntarily salivate, lacrimate, urinate, defecate, and experience gastrointestinal pain and vomiting. Blisters and burning of the eyes and/or lungs may also occur.[2][3] This phase is followed by initially myoclonic jerks followed by status epilepticus. Death then comes via complete respiratory depression, most likely via the excessive peripheral activity at the neuromuscular junction of the diaphragm. 


Now, back to our we were saying, Syria has tons of this stuff!  Who is guarding it right now?  What happens if those guards run away as the rebel forces continue to throw down Assad's regime?  What happens if some of the rebel forces are Al Qaida operatives or Hezbollah militants?  What happens if they grab a few tons in the back of a pickup truck, pack them in the tip of missile and mist them over Tel Aviv or some other Israeli cities?  Do you think they wouldn't?  I will remind you they flew some jets into the Twin Towers and few years ago.

And now the world is talking about what might need to happen to secure these deadly chemicals.

WASHINGTON, Aug 16 (Reuters) - The United States and its allies are discussing a worst-case scenario that could require tens of thousands of ground troops to go into Syria to secure chemical and biological weapons sites following the fall of President Bashar al-Assad's government, according to U.S. and diplomatic officials.

These secret discussions assume that all of Assad's security forces disintegrate, leaving chemical and biological weapons sites in Syria vulnerable to pillaging. The scenario also assumes these sites could not be secured or destroyed solely through aerial bombings, given health and environmental risks.

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity to explain the sensitive discussions, said the United States still had no plans to put boots on the ground in Syria. President Barack Obama's administration has, in fact, so far refused to provide lethal support to the rebels fighting to oust Assad's regime and the Pentagon has played down the possibility of implementing a no-fly zone anytime soon.

"There is not a imminent plan to deploy ground forces. This is, in fact, a worst-case scenario," the official said, adding U.S. forces would likely play a role in such a mission.

While there is no complete accounting of Syria's unconventional weapons, it is widely believed to have stockpiles of nerve agents such as VX, sarin and tabun.

The U.S. official said there were potentially dozens of chemical and biological weapons sites scattered around the country.

Securing them could not be left to an aerial bombing, which could lead to the dispersion of those agents, the official said.

"There could be second-order effects that could be extremely problematic," the official said of aerial bombing.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said last month that it was important that Syrian security forces be held together when Assad is forced from power, citing, in particular, their ability to secure chemical weapons sites.

"They do a pretty good job of securing those sites," Panetta said in an interview with CNN in July. "If they suddenly walked away from that, it would be a disaster to have those chemical weapons fall into the wrong hands, hands of Hezbollah or other extremists in that area."


So we know it might take hundreds of thousands of troops to secure the dozens of areas where the chemicals are.  Ummm....that sounds really problematic...since Arabs hate each other and they seem to hate us even more...and no one but the USA could pull off an operation like this...and we may not have the money or manpower to deploy another 100,000 army troops to another Middle Eastern country.

And we know you can't go in with aircraft and bombers because if you drop a conventional bomb on a ton of nerve gas, you could turn the gas into a mist and disperse it in some type of cloud that drifts down on some town and kills all the women and children....and that would be a disaster.

What about if you drop leaflets around the nerve gas storage facilities and tell all the folks to get away from the site by about 5 miles....then you came in a dropped a nuclear bomb on the site and vaporized the cement, the steel and the chemical weapons?

Yeah....that's not gonna work either.

Huh....this is a real pickle.  What's a guy supposed to do?

Here is one potential scenario;  Hezbollah gets a canister of the stuff and decides it wants to wipe out some Israeli city so they put it in a missile.  It doesn't go real well for them, but they are still successful in killing a handful of Jews in a northern Israeli town.

In response, Israel scrambles it's nuclear bombers and destroys Damascus overnight.  As you know Damascus has offices for every major terror organization in the world.

"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.  In the evening, sudden terror!  Before the morning, they are gone!"  Isaiah 17

The Jewish State of Israel is very sensitive about being attacked with gas. 

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