
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Don't Buy Stocks And Don't Buy Bonds

In the modern financial world, if someone was down on stocks they would choose to invest in bonds...and if someone was down on bonds they would choose to invest in stocks. (stocks are certificates of ownership in a company and bonds are IOU's issued by a company for debt incurred)

But today we may be living in an anomaly.  What if stocks and bonds both look bad?  What if there truly is no safe haven and much of what we have known is about to be destroyed?

PIMCO is one of the largest mutual fund companies in the world.  Their founder just came out and said that stocks will be a bad place to be and so will bonds.  So what's a guy supposed to do?? 

Plan on working forever....because retiring to Phoenix for 30 years to play golf and read novels by the pool looks like it may soon become a thing of the past.

Watch this 3 minute video here;!D1524907-6F28-41CA-9F82-97B602C3F5EC

Also pay attention to the word "Ponzi scheme" that comes up early on in the video. 

Wouldn't it be something if all the trillions of $0's floating all over the world denominated in numerous currencies were really just smoke?...a mist that blows away in the wind?

Boy-o-boy....that would sure rattle people....what would happen if their god of Mammon simply disappeared??  I wonder if some of them may turn their eyes to the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ?

One final question....if you KNEW that the collapse of America and the incredible hardship that all of that would entail for ALL OF US....but that out of the hardship that millions of Americans would turn to Jesus Christ for their salvation....would we pray for that to happen??  Or would we rather that things stay just the way that they are....even though we know that most Americans are lost without Christ...because they have been so blinded by Mammon?

Would we sacrifice our wealth and comfort for the eternal salvation of others?

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