
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Iran Should be Worried About Next 12 Weeks

An ex-Israeli spy master says Iran should be worried by Israel's talk of using military options to block Iran's nuclear ambitions.  The next 12 weeks will be 'very critical'.

JERUSALEM -- A former Israeli spymaster says if he were an Iranian, he would be "very worried" by Israel's talk about possibly attacking Iran's nuclear facilities.

Ephraim Halevy says the next 12 weeks will be "very critical" to Israel's decision on whether to strike. Halevy told Israel Radio on Thursday that if the Iranians "continue to play their games" in nuclear talks with world powers, they're underestimating Israel's resolve.

He says the Iranians' "math is off if they think they have open-ended immunity" in these talks.

Iran contends its nuclear program is peaceful and designed to produce energy. Israel considers Iran a threat to its survival and says Tehran's nuclear program is a cover for bomb-making.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel hasn't decided whether to strike Iran.

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So what happens here in America in about 12 weeks?  A really big election!!!  Israel has to make a they hit Iran and start a war before the election knowing that Obama will HAVE TO COME TO ISRAEL'S AID if he wants to be re-elected?? they risk that Obama is re-elected in November and then takes off his mask, revealing that he really doesn't much care for Israel?

The whole world hangs in the balance on this one decision being made in Israel within the next 12 weeks.

Surely, Jerusalem IS a cup of trembling.

Please be in prayer for their leaders.  Their decisions will affect us all.

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