
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here ComesThree Person Marriage?

When gay people came forward and said they have a right to marriage...we knew that it would only be a matter of time before the bi-sexual people say, "well what about us?  Why can't we marry one man and one woman and create a family?"

Of course they will claim that everyone who disagrees with them are "biphobic haters."

Public Notary Claudia do Nascimento Domingues has said the man and two women should be entitled to family rights.

She says there is nothing in law to prevent such an arrangement.

But the move has angered some religious groups, while one lawyer described it as "absurd and totally illegal".

The three individuals, who have declined to speak to the press, have lived in Rio de Janeiro together for three years and share bills and other expenses.

Ms Domingues says they have already opened a joint bank account, which is also not prohibited by any law.

Ms Domingues, who is based in the Sao Paulo city of Tupa, said the move reflected the fact that the idea of a "family" had changed.

"We are only recognising what has always existed. We are not inventing anything."

"For better or worse, it doesn't matter, but what we considered a family before isn't necessarily what we would consider a family today."


Yep...what was considered a family before isn't what many would consider a family today.  Once the floodgates are opened...why not have 3 wives, or 3 husbands?  And soon and very soon someone will demand their 'right' to marry a chimp....after all chimps are 99% human...and why should some woman be denied her right to marry the chimp who makes her happy?...and why shouldn't they be allowed to adopt a child?...and why shouldn't she be allowed to leave that chimp her Social Security benefits when she dies...or her life insurance proceeds....after all, she 'earned' them!

Once society throws away the Word of is a quick ride for society right into the pit of hell.

Lord, have mercy.

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