
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

USS Yorktown

While in Charleston, SC yesterday we went and toured the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier that fought in WWII.  As we walked through the museum on board the ship there was a picture of the military chaplain praying for the pilots before they left on a mission.

The chaplain had his Bible open and the pilots had their heads bowed to the One True God who has so blessed our nation.

Today we made it to Ft Jackson in Columbia SC and as we drove around the base we went past the 'church'.  On the billboard it advertised a Presbyterian service, a Catholic service, a Muslim service and a Mormon service.

So how many 'gods' are being beckoned at those services?

How long will the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continue to bless our we invite Satan into the very churches that were built to honor God and his son, Jesus Christ?

I have an idea that those WWII pilots with heads bowed in that photo 70 years ago would be saddened to see what is on the military bases today.

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