
Friday, August 10, 2012

Iranian Attack BEFORE the Election

The rumors continue to come that Israel needs to do something about Iran before the U.S. elections.  They simply don't trust Obama to be their supporters IF he is re-elected in November.  However, Obama would be FORCED to support Israel's military intervention if he hoped to be re-elected.

JERUSALEM — Israel’s prime minister and defense minister would like to attack Iran’s nuclear sites before the U.S. election in November but lack crucial support within their cabinet and military, an Israeli newspaper said on Friday.

The front-page report in the biggest-selling daily Yedioth Ahronoth came amid mounting speculation — fuelled by media leaks from both the government and its detractors at home and abroad — that war with Iran could be imminent even though it might rupture the bedrock ties between Israel and the United States.

“Were it up to Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, an Israeli military strike on the nuclear facilities in Iran would take place in the coming autumn months, before the November election in the United States,” Yedioth said in the article by its two senior commentators, which appeared to draw on discussions with the defense minister but included no direct quotes.

But U.S. President Barack Obama, seeking re-election in November, has counseled against what he would deem premature Israeli unilateralism. He recently sent top officials to try to close ranks with the conservative Netanyahu.

Obama’s Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, an old friend of Netanyahu who casts himself as a more reliable bulwark for Israeli security, also visited Jerusalem last month.

The Yedioth article said, without citing sources, that some government advisers in Israel and the United States believed a pre-November strike might “embarrass Obama and contribute to Romney‮‮‮‮‮‮’‬‬‬‬‬‬‎s chances of being elected.”


There are a few different angles to look at here....either it would embarrass Obama and contribute to Romney election (who is a good friend of Netanyahu) and/or it would force Obama's hand to support Israeli attack because he NEEDS the Jewish vote to be re-elected.

And if you put both of those makes for some good reasons to attempt the destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities, and shatter it's nuclear intentions.

Let's remember to be in prayer for Israel's leaders.  They have a BIG DECISION on the table.

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